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The first word “SUBODH” is derived from the name of a lady (who is the mother of all) which means ‘WISDOM’ and each letter stands for “Society to Uplift Bonafide Objectives to Develop Humanity”.  The second word “TREE” justifies the aims and objectives of this organization and each letter of the word TREE signifies “To Resonate Education and Entertainment” i.e. the harmony between education and entertainment because in today’s fast moving world only education without entertainment and edification becomes monotonous and less fruitful.

Pearls of Wisdom

  • Touching the feet of elders enhances positive vibes besides blessings.

  • Helping people in times of need anywhere and everywhere, enhances personal growth, development and provides mental peace by such activities (a) community service (b) helping injured accident victims (c) extending help to senior citizens. (d) visiting old age homes.

  • Women, children and senior citizen are waiting for a helping hand in expectation of kind gesture, words of comforts.

  • Arguing unnecessarily with elders over petty things hurts their sentiments. Remember, it is your own good they have in their hearts.
  • The father of the Nation achieved greatness through humility. Undue ego brings only downfall.

  • Elders with their knowledge & experience are your well wishers’ not your enemies. Moving on the path shown by them will lead you to greater heights in life.

  • Respect in society comes from suitable attire and deportment.

  • Traditional Indian food is healthy and nutritious. Occasional indulgence in junk food is acceptable. Research studies have shown daily consumption of junk food causes permanent damage to body & brain.

  • Indian minds have been recognized as superior universally. Always maintain it & try to take it further up.


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